I love the web and want to make it better by building great things.
Senior Software Engineer October 2021 - Present
Currently building software that helps people get better.
Senior Software Engineer Jun 2017 - September 2020
I built Jilt, email marketing software built for eCommerce.
My Accomplishments:
- Lead the development of import/export systems with a focus on data flexibility.
- Built out a GraphQL API to support a React frontend using GraphQL-Ruby.
- Got to work with a complex Elasticsearch installation that drove a custom email segmentation engine.
- Took ownership of the Angular-based email editor and was responsible for all new feature requests and bug fixes.
Full Stack Rails Developer May 2016 - Jun 2017
I built TeamWorks, a time and attendance application for small to medium businesses.
My Accomplishments:
- Lead the development of a dashboard for internal teams to provide insight into app usage and inform future product development using Vue.js in a Rails Engine.
- Eliminated manual sales processes by creating an onboarding process for new customers and integrated with
Stripe for online payments.
- Chief architect of the new timecards and scheduling modules, implementing Rails conventions for easier maintenance.
- Developed a testing protocol and built a test suite using Minitest and Capybara. Configured GitLab CI to run the test suite with each commit.
Wills and Estates Law Clerk Nov 2011 - May 2016
Sanguinetti + associates
With no prior training, I obtained a level of professionalism and proficiency in just 6 months at this boutique legal practice, preparing Wills, Powers of Attorney, and a variety of Court documents for Estate Administration.
My Responsibilities:
- Practiced effective time management and multitasking to guarantee timely completion of work, meeting deadlines and maintaining high quality of work.
- Communicated with clients in a professionally friendly manner on a day-to-day basis in person and over the phone, ensuring customer satisfaction.
- Drafted and proofread legal documents of varying complexity, unsupervised and with minimal instruction, demonstrating excellent attention to detail.
Education and Professional Development
Programming Bootcamp Sept - Dec 2015
The Firehose Project
Became a capable software developer in this intensive 15-week program, able to break complex problems into more manageable problems. I gained experience with the following tools of the trade:
- Built basic CRUD Rails apps following standard Rails conventions (without using scaffolding), involving mailers, validations, image uploading on AWS S3, and nested RESTful routes.
- Implemented tests with Minitest’s Test::Unit syntax for unit and functional tests.
- Worked through traditional computer science algorithms and data structure challenges:
- Graph search (depth-first & breadth-first).
- Linked lists with basic Ruby classes.
- Stacks and queues in Ruby.
- Reversed linked lists (both with a recursive solution with mutation, and a solution that leverages stack-like properties of linked lists).
- Floyd’s algorithm (tortoise & hare) to detect cycles within a linked list.
Capstone Project Nov - Dec 2015
The Firehose Project
Built a Ruby on Rails chess web application, working on a remote team of 5 developers, that enforces the rules of chess, including preventing users moving into check and support for castling and en passant. View the GitHub repository and the app running in production on Heroku.
My Accomplishments:
- Wrote the business logic for determining if the game is in the state of check and checkmate.
- Uncovered, tracked down, and resolved several bugs in both our Ruby and Javascript code, including an intermittent bug that prevented movement of some pieces. See Pull Request 1 and Pull Request 2 on GitHub.
- Followed test-driven development, Agile and SCRUM methodologies, and had frequent code reviews and pair programming sessions. Held accountable for my performance by Travis Johnson, a devops engineer at true[X], who led the team.
Honours Bachelor of Arts with Distinction 2006-2010
University of Toronto
Double Major: Management
 and Political Science
GPA: 3.30
Mathematical and Computational Sciences Honour Roll 2009 - 2010
University of Toronto
Technical Skills
What I know:
- Ruby, Rails
- Redis
- JavaScript, CoffeeScript
- CSS3, Sass
- Postgresql
- Git